Back to School and Back to Stress
Back to School, Schedule Changes, and Stress
As we move toward fall, we start to evolve our different stressors as well as how our bodies handle them. Some have kids back in school, others have changes in work schedule, and we all have the increased stress of knowing that summer is quickly coming to an end. Handling your stress is really the most important thing you can do for your health. Reducing the negative impact on your body, being healthy enough to handle what life throws at you, and having the proper tools to combat issues as they arise are all key pieces in determining how well you feel.
We talk a lot about stress at OHZ because it is the root cause of all our issues. It comes in different forms- physical, chemical, and mental/emotional. All are present every day, and often some are worse than others. Dealing with physical stress can be as easy as getting chiropractic care, and chemical stress can be controlled with what you eat/drink. Mental stress and how our body responds to it is often harder to control. But there is a key aspect that is under our power- our schedule. Yes, most people are very busy, and life does gets chaotic at times, but saying no is often the key to reducing the negative impact you are putting on yourself. We are often too busy, over-worked, and over-booked and reducing your schedule load will put you in a much better position to handle all the other stressors you can’t control.
In addition, utilizing some tools to help with the mental/emotional side of things can go a long way to helping our health. Simple things to start with include deep breathing and meditation. When things are chaotic or you are feeling overwhelmed, taking a minute to breathe can change the course of how the stressful situation plays out. Keep things simple and control your attitude. Having an assertive, positive attitude about life and realizing we can’t control everything is a great place to start. Incorporating an exercise routine, yoga, stretches, proper sleep, and adequate water intake will all put you in a better position to handle these stressors. When things get more complex and you are unable to use these techniques, we can introduce supplements for extra brain support, hormone balancing, and of course- stress management.
So as your schedule changes heading into the fall, let’s all pick up some better habits when it comes to stress management. Get your calendars and schedules in order, reduce the physical and chemical stress by taking care of your body, and change your mental capacity for stress by having a better attitude, taking some time for yourself, and getting enough rest and recovery when your body needs it.
Yours in health,
Dr. J