Office Changes!
Changes Coming in the New Year…
As we move past the chaos of a stressful election season and continue to battle the stressors that 2020 has brought us (thanks COVID); we reach the holiday season where we can put it all in perspective and remind ourselves of all the good things we have to be thankful for. We should always be thankful first and foremost for the health and well-being of ourselves, our families, and those closest to us. In addition, the thing I am most thankful for was our ability to remain open throughout the year and help those in need. I love my job and my patients, and I always want to be here for you all, especially when times are tough. I have continued to evolve my skills and resources, and our clinic continues to evolve how things work as well to give you the best care, value, and experience.
With that said, there are some changes coming with OHZ and how we operate. While we want to remain flexible with our schedule, our availability will be changing at the beginning of the new year. We have had the same hours for 4 years, and upon review, we feel our time will be best used with some slight changes. Our official hours will be as follows:
Monday: 9-6 Tuesday: 12-6 Wednesday: 9-6 Thursday: 12-6 Fri-Sun: Closed
We will continue to have plenty of availability and flexibility on the days we are open, especially for emergencies, but we want to encourage everyone to make their appointments in advance. Some Fridays will be used for administrative purposes for us, so there is a chance that some one-time availability may be available by appointment in advance only. We will return calls and emails as soon as we get them, but sometimes that isn’t until our next open office hour.
It has also been more than 8 years since our pricing structure has changed. Instead of universally raising prices to keep up with inflation, we will only be changing the out of pocket cost of a chiropractic adjustment. It will only be a $5 increase. All other costs- Nutrition Assessments, Supplements, Exams, etc. will all remain the same at this time. Discounted pre-pay packages for adjustments will still be available as well. Any hardship issues can be discussed with me directly and we’d be happy to accommodate if we are able to. We will continue to accept HSA and FSA payments but will remain out of network with health insurance carriers (please ask if you’d like more info). These changes are a result of a lot of time and thought on what is best for us, but as always, we will put our patients first and are here to help in any way we can. Please let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
Yours in health,
Dr. J.