New Products!
As you may know, we are changing some things up, and we are doing so because we are always continually evolving how we are able to help people here at OHZ. Many of our patients rely on our expertise to guide them along their health journey through the use of natural nutritional supplements. The supplements we use are hand-picked based on quality, effectiveness, and cost-efficiency, and the new changes you will be seeing are no different. As our inventory evolves to some newly named products, it is important to remember that we will continue to only recommend high-quality, effective options. Unfortunately, some of our well-known favorites will be getting a facelift or replaced with something new, so it may take some getting used to.
The reason for the switch is both simple and complex. The complex side is due to changes in ownership, business ethics, competition, and (of course) money. The simple reason for changing things up is this: Nutri-Dyn is by far and away the company that helps me do my job the best. They are responsible for more insight, education, research, and quality assurance than any other company I work with. Their roots remain in the natural healthcare world while many others have changed hands into the pharmaceutical world, so I will remain loyal and utilize their amazing products to help my patients.
So, here’s what is changing: over the course of the next couple months, all products manufactured by Metagenics will no longer be available. Their quality can no longer be guaranteed, and their prices continue to rise exponentially. The majority of the replacement products will be the exact same ingredients and dosages, just new names and labels. Some products will have slight changes to their formulas, but only to make them more effective, cost-efficient, and comprehensive. The goal is to have more complete options so our patients will not have to take as many separate supplements. The cost of these supplements will be slightly less in comparison as well, and we will be sure to pass that savings on to you!
Please don’t hesitate to ask questions throughout this process and be patient as we implement these exciting new changes into your recommended protocols.
Yours in health,
Dr. J.