New Website

As you all know, we are looking to continue to grow OHZ and serve as many people as possible. Helping people is my passion, and I am always trying to keep my focus on patients, education, and all the dynamics of healthcare. We need to keep up with the times and a new website allows us to display our services, supplements, and information along with updating you on new events, monthly newsletters, and healthcare info that may be pertinent to your well-being. The plan is to keep things simple and concise, so that we aren't overwhelming you with info. We will continue to keep our newsletters tied in with your Super Tuesday orders and will continue reminder emails and periodic updates on the happenings here at OHZ. If you do not get our emails and want to receive these updates, let us know. Updates via Facebook and the website will be our primary way of alerting you of what’s going on at OHZ and limit the amount of emails we send out. 

 If you are reading this now, you have obviously found our new site! It will be basic at first, but I would love to hear from you about what things patients would like to see on it! Hopefully it will turn into an evolving platform to show info, events, testimonials, and demonstrations of what we do here. The best feature of the website is the built-in portal for ordering Nutri-Dyn products online! On the main page of the site, you can create a log-in for Nutri-Dyn and be able to order products any time you want at a discounted price! This includes all Metagenics, Nutri-Dyn, Progressive Labs, and Tonic Sea products. These will be delivered to your door (typically within 2 days) so if you run out of something you don't have to make a special trip to come in to the office. Other companies will be following suit soon too and we will have a lot more products available to ship directly to you! This will help us keep our in-house prices as low as possible by limiting our stock. We will still have all the same products in the office; although our inventory is always changing based on availability, pricing, and new research/protocols we use.

Although you will be able to order online, it is still imperative that we are checking your supplement program regularly so that you are taking the correct things. As your condition improves, we can hopefully take some support products out of your daily regimen and move you towards a maintenance protocol that will be easier to take and save you money!

So, take a look and bookmark our website, go to Facebook and like/follow our page, and if you have time leave us a (5-star) review on Google, Yelp, and/or Facebook so we can continue to help as many people as possible. Adding clientele will not change how we care for you, we will always remain flexible and do everything we can to give you the care you are accustomed to; so don't let that deter you from telling everyone you know about all the great things we do here at OHZ!

Yours in health,  

Dr. J. 

Kevin Juleen